Often times you may not want to factor all of your invoices. Many companies have no problem handling their smaller accounts in house, waiting thirty days for a few hundred dollars might not be an issue. However, if you have larger accounts that may place a $100,000 order several times a year, it may not be possible to wait around for 30 or more days to get paid.
Another scenario could be that cash flow isn't a huge problem so you don't mind keeping larger accounts in house. However, you may have hundreds or thousands of smaller accounts and don't want to have spend all of your time doing credit checks and making collection calls.
Whatever the case might be, if you aren't looking to factor all of your invoices, spot factoring might be the solution you are looking for. With spot factoring you can choose which accounts you use factoring with, while keeping other accounts in house.
At DSA Factors we are happy to help you with whatever your needs may be. We have no minimum volume requirements, and do not require you to factor all of your invoices. We also understand that you may not always have invoices to factor, so if you don't factor any invoices for a month or two it is not a problem, we have no monthly or annual service fees.